Who are we?

Welcome to Muslim Medics (MM)! MM was established on 1st August 1998 by medical students under the ICSM Islamic Society. Since then, we have developed as an independent society and grown to become one of the largest and most established societies at ICSM. We’re your one-stop for academic, pastoral, social, and spiritual support!

Throughout your time at Imperial, you will hear about our famous weekly tutorials and revision days, not to mention our renowned mock clinical examinations. We aren’t just about education though. We also provide socials including our renowned annual MM dinner, as well as our freshers buddy system, to help make your transition to university life that much easier.

MM also extends our support to the wider community through our outreach initiatives. In 2017, we established our Outreach and Wellbeing branch, through which we run regular events including mosque health talks, BADG campaign, IAM project, and Life as a Muslim Medic. There are plenty of exciting opportunities throughout the year for you to get involved!

We also support students applying to medicine, a position most of us were in not too long ago! In 2006, we ran our first PotMed conference (previously called PotMed). In 2020, we established PotMed as a distinct branch and have been expanding this. In addition to the annual conference, we run a series of Intensives covering different aspects of the application process, attended by students across the UK. Every year, we have hundreds of attendees and medical student volunteers from all years.

Muslim Medics is here to support you and help make your journey through medical school easier!

“I [am] both a medical student and a Muslim. I don’t [just] want to be a Muslim on Friday and a medic on Monday; I want to be both on both days” – a former MM President

Contact Us:

Got any questions?
Or suggestions – or maybe you just want to have a chat? We’d love to hear from you! Email us at muslimmedics@imperial.ac.uk or leave us a message below.

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