Believe and Do Good (BADG)

BADG is an annual campaign that promotes acts of goodness as a form of dawah, and several universities across the UK affiliate with BADG every year. At Imperial, we collaborate with ISoc (Islamic Society) to run this.
We organise a huge range of events including blood drives, random acts of kindness initiatives, environmental clean-ups, and assembling hygiene packs for community drives. There are plenty of opportunities for you to get involved, from joining the subcommittee and organising the events, to volunteering at them.
Follow our Instagram page to keep up to date with BADG this year! (@imperialbadg).

This is an exciting growing area of outreach! Throughout the year, we organise a series of health talks at local mosques to increase education on topics such as diabetes, healthy eating, and Basic Life Support (BLS).

In the past, we’ve collaborated with the mental health charity Inspirited Minds to deliver a talk on mental health and stress to a youth group at Finsbury Park Mosque. We’ve also run BLS training at Al-Muntada mosque.

It is estimated that over 4000 people sleep rough in the UK every night, with almost 25% of these people living in London. To combat this, we shall in shaa Allah be running an initiative for volunteers to regularly distribute food and other essentials to those sleeping on the streets. Food is usually distributed at Lincoln’s Inn Field.

To find out more about this initiative and to sign up to volunteer, join our volunteers group here.

If you have any queries about our Outreach activities, please get in touch!