PotMed (Potential Medics) aims to equip aspiring medical students with the tools and resources to help them through the application process. It is aimed at Year 12s and 13s (and gap year students) but we also have younger students and mature applicants attend too! We operate on a ‘for students, by students’ ethos – our vision is to provide high quality, but also affordable support to all, including those from less privileged backgrounds. PotMed is heavily subsidised and we continue to provide an increasing number of free tickets to students from widening participation backgrounds. All our volunteers are current medical students or doctors.

PotMed Conference

Founded in 2006, this is an annual one-day comprehensive medicine application crash course. It takes place every September in person at our South Kensington campus. It is a very well-established event, winning Outstanding Event of the Year 2020. Attendees are divided into groups based on year group (Year 12 and Year 13/gap year) and our sessions are tailored to this.

1-1 personal statement checks with feedback. Presentation on what goes into making a great personal statement.

Mock interviews with individual feedback, all in a supportive environment set to emulate the real thing as closely as possible.
Entrance exam workshops with advice on how to tackle common question types, practice questions and worked answers.
Medical ethics workshop with volunteer-led discussions in small groups
Y12/13 action plan workshop
Q&A with lecturers from ICSM Faculty and admissions team member

Campus tour of our medical school building and South Kensington campus

Our PotMed Conference 2022 was a sold-out event and the largest in-person event since 2015. We’ve also continued to expand our reach across the UK with approximately 45% of attendees from out of London! Every year, we have over 100 medical student volunteers from all year groups and from universities across the UK!

PotMed Intensives

We also deliver a series of Intensives; these are half-day crash courses covering each aspect of the application process in further detail (UCAT, BMAT, Personal Statement, MMI Intensives). Our MMI Intensive series is continuously growing with several MMIs from November to February, in-person and online. Each MMI has an overview of medicine interviews, interactive tutorials for each of the main types of stations, and an 8-station mock interview with feedback.